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 Arizona State University Next joint CCC / WNUG meeting:  9:30am - 11:30am Thursday, December 2, 2004   UCC120  [ ASU West ]   [ ASU Polytechnic ]   [ Extended ] 

Monthly Meeting Thursday, September 2, 2004

Reminder - No August Meeting
As a reminder, we will not be having a WNUG/CCC meeting for August. We will resume meeting in September.
Dell Enterprise Solutions - Chris Colby, Dell Systems Consultant
Dell will be presenting on their Enterprise Solutions. Please refer to the attached agenda. I will also send out a reminder closer to the date. For now, the date and time remain as Thursday, September 2nd from 9:30-11:30 in CC120.

9:30 am	Welcome

9:45 am	Dell Server Update
Chris Colby, Dell Systems Consultant
·	Existing Product
·	New Products 
·	Transitions
10:15 am	Dell/EMC
·	Storage Products
·	Storage Consolidation
·	Data Storage Management

11:00 am	Backup Solutions - Legato
·	Access
·	Availability
·	Protection
11:30 am	Closing
For questions, please contact Lannette Dunkeson,
WNUG - Cecilia Winnegar
Hear ye! Hear ye! Hereby is sent out, a call for nominations for the WNUG group. We have positions for Co-Chair and NoteTaker available. If anyone is interested or would like to nominate someone, please email me by August 20th. This will allow time to send out another note with the nominee information for voting purposes. Please refer to the WNUG web page for further information: In addition, we are also looking for new/additional steering committee members to join. Karra Lawrence will be the new Chair and will take over during the October meeting.

Meetings / Minutes
Steering Committee

Page Last Updated:  Wednesday,  October 6,  2004
Web Author:  Francis Larscheid