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Monthly Meeting Thursday, March 22, 2001

Windows 2000 by Pat Schneider
HTML version

download / view PowerPoint presentation
10:00 to 11:30   

Pat Schneider will be presenting to the CCC tomorrow 
at our regularly scheduled monthly meeting.

Pat will talk about the Windows 2000 project, 
the history, the overview and update as well as 
the future plans for the project.

We will have a question and answer session too, 
so don't miss this one!!!!!

Computing Commons Auditorium (room 120)
10:00am to 11:30am
Wednesday May 23, 2001


Connie Gerdes
CCC Chair

Meetings / Minutes
Steering Committee

Page Last Updated:  Wednesday,&nbsp; October 20,&nbsp; 2004
Web Author:  Francis Larscheid