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 Arizona State University Next joint CCC / WNUG meeting:  9:30am - 11:30am Thursday, December 2, 2004   UCC120  [ ASU West ]   [ ASU Polytechnic ]   [ Extended ] 



The Computing Consultants Cooperative (CCC) is an organization of consultants from departmental units throughout ASU and Information Technology (IT) who have come together to share technical expertise.  The CCC acts as an advisory body to IT.

Mission Statement

The mission of the CCC is to facilitate and promote the exchange in information technology available to the ASU community.


Membership is open to ASU faculty, staff, and students who spend a significant portion of their time advising the others about computers and networks, and whose job description includes computing support.  Student members must be sponsored by a faculty or staff member.  Only faculty and staff members are voting members.  Members are encouraged to obtain electronic mail access, as much of the communication is achieved through a listserv, CCC@ASU.EDU


Meetings are conducted by an elected chair and co-chair, who work closely with the members of the CCC steering committee.  There is an election for only one office, the chair. The largest number of votes will elect the chair and the second most will be the co-chair.  The chair and co-chair hold office for one year and can be re-elected to the position, not to exceed two years in office.  The outgoing chair, if not reelected, will serve on the steering commmittee for one year.  Nominations and general elections are held on a yearly basis; nominations at the meeting held the first Wednesday in September and elections will be held at the regularly scheduled meeting - the fourth Wednesday in September, with only faculty or staff members being eligible to hold office.  The chair and co-chair for the CCC provide an active role representing the general CCC membership, outside of IT.

The CCC steering committee is composed of active CCC faculty or staff who are at 50% or greater university employment.  They collectively comprise a group of four general representatives from the computer consultants within the CCC including outgoing chair; one liaison from IT being the conduit to IT management; and two other IT members adding expertise to the steering committee.  Two general and one IT member are appointed each year by the current chair and co-chair for a two-year term.  One member of the steering committee acts as secretary/membership administrator.


Monthly meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of the month, with two exceptions.  The August meeting will be held on the first Wednesday in September and there will be no meeting in December.  All meetings will be held from 10:00 - 11:30 with the location to be announced.

Steering Committee
Meetings / Minutes

Page Last Updated:  Friday,  October 31,  2003
Web Author:  Francis Larscheid

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