Chicana and Chicano Art: |
![]() Alfredo Arreguín, César Chávez, 1997 Oil on canvas, 48" x 42" |
result of years of careful preparation, this two-volume work of art covers
the artistic production and biographies of nearly 200 individual artists
from across the United States as well as Chicano/a artists residing in Mexico
and elsewhere. This unique work was published both as a full-color, coffee-table-quality
set of books, produced to exacting standards, and electronically, with its
own separate Web site provides bibliography, indexing, artists statements,
new works by the included artists, and other information that is continually
updated. Produced with the support of the Center for Latino Initiatives
of The Smithsonian Institution, the Inter-University Program for Latino
Research, and numerous art organizations around the nation, this book represents
a major advance in the national and international understanding, appreciation,
and dissemination of Chicana/o art. |
Features: The book includes valuable thematic coverage with numerous foldouts. Some of the themes include the barrio; the border and indocumentados; bebida y comida; El Día de los Muertos; farmworker iconography; fathers and sons; heroes, anti-heroes, and role models; la lotería; lowriders; mothers and daughters; mujeres por mujeres; pre-Hispanic elements; statues of liberty (U.S. and Mexico); vatos, cholos, and pachucos; Vírgenes; and luchadores. You will find the work of highly recognized artists such as René Arceo, Connie Arismendi, Alfredo Arreguín, David Avalos, Samuel Baray, Chaz Bojórquez, David Botello, Candace Briceño, Rolando Briseño, Robert Buitrón, Mario Calvano, Cristina Cárdenas, Mel Casas, Enrique Chagoya, Sam Coronado, Carlos Cortez, Mita Cuarón, Ana Laura de la Garza, Daniel Martín Díaz, Alex Donís, Ricardo Duffy, Fidencio Durán, Susan Elizalde, Gaspar Enríquez, María Enríquez de Allen, Ricardo Favela, Sonya Fe, Mercedes Fernández, Rudy Fernández, Adriana Gallego, Esperanza Gama, Carmen Lomas Garza, Alma Gómez, Elizabeth Gómez, CiCi González, Louie The Foot González, Maya González, Quintín González, Luis Guillermo Guerra, Zarco Guerrero, Wayne Alaniz Healy, Ester Hernández, Celina Hinojosa, Benito Huerta, Leticia Huerta, Luis Jiménez, Alma López, John Leaños, Jacalyn López García, Aydee López Martínez, Yolanda López, Gilbert Magú Luján, Rosa M., César Martínez, Mónica Martínez, Laura Molina, Delilah Montoya, José Montoya, Malaquías Montoya, Mónica Martínez, Celia Muñoz, Gloria Osuna Pérez, Eva C. Pérez, Alfred Quiroz, Riley Roca, Alex Rubio, Carlos Santistevan, Salvador Torres, John Valadez, Linda Vallejo, Esteban Villa, María Antonia Wood, Frank Ybarra, Alexandra Zalce, and David Zamora Casas, plus many other accomplished artists, both established and emerging! |
![]() Celina Hinojosa, La preparación, 1995 Acrylic on canvas, 30" x 36" [photo credit: Seale Photography, San Antonio, TX] ![]() Zarco Guerrero, Mañoso, 1992 Mixed media, 18" x 20" x 8" [photo credit: Christine Keith] |
![]() Mario Calvano, Portrait of the Artist as Bacchus,
Oil on canvas, 48" x 36" |
Chicana and Chicano
art merits considerable attention because of its growing role and presence
in America. Aside from its rich, colorful boldness, this art 'speaks'
visually of history, conditions, feelings, and the life experiences of
a wonderful population and culture.